In , Reuben reached his goal and began a relatively successful real estate career. For 8 years, he worked hard to build his business and his savings.
Unfortunately, when the real estate market crashed in it had a great impact on Reuben. He lost everything. Daury was born and raised in Honduras with his mother and five siblings. He recalls how hard his mother worked as a single parent to support him and his siblings. As a young child, he would find odd jobs to work after school so that he could help contribute to his family. In , he made a difficult decision to move to the United States with children in search of opportunities that were not available to him in Honduras.
Shortly after relocating, he began working as a truck mechanic at a local transportation company and continues to work there today. Habitat for Humanity presented its newest home to a family in Henderson. Sahara Ave. Catastrophic events and other social calamities can bring out the very best and worst of mankind. During Hurricane Katrina, I was there and experienced the chaos firsthand.
Most recently during Hurricane Irma, there were many acts of heroic and exemplary conduct. But, conversely, and often to our chagrin the easiest and most visually prominent remembrance of an event is the repugnant behavior of others who willingly opt to prey upon those who have already been victimized.
Robberies, burglaries and assaults are reprehensible enough but, to inflict further damage to the displaced defenseless people, abandoned store fronts and homes during hurricane Irma is unconscionable. People not even momentarily pausing to wrestle with what at the very least, should be the emotional turmoil of engaging in wrong doing just before breaking into stores, begin stealing Air Jordan shoes, or beer and cigarettes, while seemingly devoid of remorse.
Where is civility? We now have thousands of legions of people who are largely devoid of significant moral values, something most assuredly taught and learned principally in familial settings.
With Slaves to Humanity, one thing remains unmistakably clear, this is not your average high school rock band. Super excited for that one. More pictures and video of the show last night will come soon!
Dont forget to get tickets to our show tomorrow night!!! Link in bio!! Huge thanks to ernieball for sending us another set of strings!! By giving a hand up instead of a hand out, you'll be making our Community stronger.
It is our vision that we will grow and become a model of Humanity which all Communities may incorporate into their daily lives. Please join Humanity Rocks in helping those in our Communities. We are a c3 Non-profit so please make that donation today and get your charitable tax receipt.
We love the people we serve, so feel free to visit during normal business hours. Hockley, TX. By Appointment.